Further Resources

Procedures and Mechanisms on Implementation and Compliance with the Basel and Rotterdam Conventions

Procedures and Mechanisms on Implementation and Compliance with the Basel and Rotterdam Conventions

Procedures and Mechanisms on Implementation and Compliance with the Basel and Rotterdam Conventions

This publication is intended to promote understanding of the procedures and mechanisms for promoting implementation and compliance with the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal (“Basel Convention”) and the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade (“Rotterdam Convention”). It presents a snapshot of the terms of reference of both mechanisms, as well as information on the achievements over the years of the Basel Convention compliance mechanism. The terms of reference of both mechanisms are set out in the annexes to this publication.

Click here for more information on the Basel Convention procedures and mechanisms. More information on the Rotterdam Convention procedures and mechanisms is available here.

Arabic: Download in Arabic - PDF French: Download in French - PDF
Chinese: Download in Chinese - PDF Russian: Download in Russian - PDF
English: Download in English - PDF Spanish: Download in Spanish - PDF
The Basel Convention mechanism for promoting the implementation and compliance - Celebrating a decade of assistance to Parties

The Basel Convention mechanism for promoting the implementation and compliance - Celebrating a decade of assistance to Parties

The Basel Convention mechanism for promoting the implementation and compliance - Celebrating a decade of assistance to Parties

This brochure presents a brief overview of the activities of the Implementation and Compliance Committee carried out during the period 2002 – 2011. It complements the brochure entitled “The Basel Convention Mechanism for Promoting Implementation and Compliance” published in 2006, which is intended to be a brief guide for Parties to explain the procedures of the Committee.

Arabic: Download The Basel Convention mechanism for promoting the implementation and compliance - Celebrating a decade of assistance to Parties in Arabic - PDF French: Download The Basel Convention mechanism for promoting the implementation and compliance - Celebrating a decade of assistance to Parties in French - PDF
Chinese: Download The Basel Convention mechanism for promoting the implementation and compliance - Celebrating a decade of assistance to Parties in Chinese - PDF Russian: Download The Basel Convention mechanism for promoting the implementation and compliance - Celebrating a decade of assistance to Parties in Russian - PDF
English: Download The Basel Convention mechanism for promoting the implementation and compliance - Celebrating a decade of assistance to Parties in English - PDF Spanish: Download The Basel Convention mechanism for promoting the implementation and compliance - Celebrating a decade of assistance to Parties in Spanish - PDF
The Basel Convention  Mechanism for promoting implementation and compliance

The Basel Convention Mechanism for promoting implementation and compliance

The Basel Convention  Mechanism for promoting implementation and compliance

In order to promote understanding of the mechanism for promoting the implementation of and compliance with the obligations set out under the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal, the Committee that is entrusted with administering that mechanism (“the Compliance Committee”) decided that it would prepare the present publication - a brief guide for Parties to explain, in clear terms, the procedures of the Committee.

English: Download The Basel Convention  Mechanism for promoting implementation and compliance in English - PDF


Tenth meeting of the Basel Convention Implementation and Compliance Committee

Report of the meeting  English


